Is your Organization a LEVEL 5 in Organizational Change Management Maturity? This is where you want to be, perpetually…
The main trait for business success is not necessarily working harder, or working smarter; it’s being able to grow, adapt/change, and mature to make the most of your opportunities as individuals, teams, and organizations. It’s continual improvement and it’s a continual balancing act. Progressing in life itself is a key to happiness. Business is just one outlet, albeit one where we spend much of our time. Make the most of it!
Change Management focuses on the people side of change from emotional, to practical, to actual benefits realizations. Project Management focuses on the project side. Together with change team subject experts, stakeholders, and the sponsoring organization you can bring about desired change from one state to another most effectively.
You will typically traverse three major phases: preparation, implementation, and follow-through. As your Organization assesses business gaps and business needs ahead of steering into a new direction it should assess its change maturity, including its capability and capacity to make these changes at this time.
Storyboard PM wants to use Practical Principles of Change Management to help you get to and continue at a Level 5, so your career/business/organizational development goes more smoothly through better change management initiatives and better improvement project implementations.
Here’s our overview of Level 5 Change Management Maturity:
5) Organizational Change Structures
* Fully Integrated Change Management Abilities and Early Adopter Culture Formed (Competence represented across organization down through procedural levels)
* Change Project Management Leaders and Teams Follow Best Implementation Practices
* Exercises a Continual Improvement Model (Regularly assesses maturity level and adapts to changing environment)
Maturity in Change Management realizes that change is constant. There is no such thing as “arriving”, but rather you are comfortable with always “becoming” better in whatever way is needed to progress your means and ends. Sure, each change project initiative has a clear beginning and an end, because that is the nature of projects, but continual improvement is one eternal round. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Or another way of saying it: Learn. Adapt. Grow. Perfection is continually progressing forward together, changing for the better, with whatever new challenge/opportunity each new day brings. Your Organizational Vision should be able to remain constant, but the point is to become one as a team capable of managing whatever change comes your way so you can constantly progress toward your goals together. Level 5 is a state of being where you are always progressing, even if you have exceeded your own expectations. You not only embrace change, but rather you are excited by it…You thrive on it!