Has your Organization levelled up to LEVEL 2 in Organizational Project Management Maturity?
How can you assess your Organization and its Project Management Maturity? Why is it important?
Your project management health is a key indicator of your company’s potential and whether or not it is a great place to work and advance your career.
At Storyboard PM we want to use Practical Principles of Project Management to help you get to a Level 5 in both your Organizational and Project Management Maturity, so your career/business/organizational development goes more smoothly through better change management initiatives and better project execution and improvement.
Here’s our overview of Level 2 Project Management Maturity:
2. Defined
* Policies, Processes, Procedures (Including Project Management standards) are well-defined (Main Workflows written down), but not followed all the time by everyone.
* Intentional Actions (Repeating behaviors based on what worked before)
* Knowledge Sharing (At least verbally and beginnings of knowledge management documentation begin forming.)
* Less Friction (Less confusion. Moving approach from “forming” and “storming” to “norming” in Tuckman’s Model.)
If you assess your organization and don’t see it progressing your individuals, teams, and whole organization will eventually either feel stuck or spinning its wheels with no clear direction forward. (That’s an uncomfortable feeling unless you are comfortable with complacency or okay with chaos.)